Ask an Expert Special Engagement

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Name: Ask an Expert Special Engagement
Date: February 2, 2018
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MST
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Special Engagement Speaker - Melissa Forziat
How to Market Your Business like the Olympics!
Melissa Forziat has lead marketing, press and event planning for the Olympics, Rugby World Cup and Goodwill Games.  She has managed dozens of events ranging from visits of Saudi Arabian princes to presidents of National Olympic Committees.  She is known for her creativity and innovative marketing strategies.

Melissa believes that what she has learned marketing international events can apply to your small business.  A goal-driven and creative planner, she enjoys strategically planning marketing campaigns that allow clients the satisfaction of connecting their great missions, products, and services with their audience.

By working with some of the biggest brands in the world she can show you:
- the principles of building a brand
- how to create a marketing message
- how to reach your target audience

Melissa believes these principles are the keys to successfully marketing a business, large or small.  Join us for an hour of asking this expert how to market your business.

Melissa Forziat is an expert on marketing on a budget. Melissa is known for her creativity and innovative marketing strategies. She has led workshops across the US and taught thousands of small business owners how to establish a brand, grow their customer base, and increase sales with low-cost marketing tactics that are simple to implement.  The How to Build Your Brand and Reach Your Target Market workshop focuses on how to create a brand that will speak to your audience and how to define and reach your target market.
This workshop is perfect for business owners who want to put the right message in front of the right audience to build their customer base and convert more sales.
 Download Melissa's free eBook, Small Business Marketing on a Budget  for a sneak peek at some of the areas she will cover during the workshop.

**Brown Bag Lunch event - attendees are welcome to bring their lunch to the seminar.
Ask an Expert is a monthly seminar that invites experts in their field to shed insight and answer questions on topics that are vital to success in today's business world.

*Cancelations must be made 72 hours in advance to receive a refund. 
Event Sponsors:
  • Bring iT Marketing
Chandler Chamber Office
25 S Arizona Pl, #201
Chandler, AZ 85225
Date/Time Information:
Melissa Forziat has marketed the Olympics, Rugby World Cup Games and the Goodwill Games. Learn her secrets!
$5 for members, $10 for non-members
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